Saturday, 29 November 2008
Cool City
A Cool City which that unites technologies of the 11 SDCJ companies into one ideal model city through sustainable urban development and architecture, this will reduce the environmental probelms on the earth while providing an enjoyable lifestyle under even challenging natural conditions such as deserts.
About 70 per cent of the solar radiation will be blocked by high performance glass that features redirection of daylight to needed areas, while thermal insulation coatings will reduce surface temperature. Cool City will feature an intelligent transportation system which include monorail, light rail transport and water transport systems that will ensure less traffic jams and lower carbon dioxide emissions.
The city will also promote the use of daylight, and ways to manage heat through heat islands and smart buildings. A canal will provide a place of relaxation by cooling down the air and creating paths for wind movement into the city. Tall trees will block direct sunlight and also create comfortable breezes underneath by lowering surface temperatures.
In my opinion, I believe global warming requires solutions at every level. Cool Cities not only brings real solutions but it also shows solutions for others to model and builds leadership to ensure solutions are to be put on. Hybrid cars, energy efficient buildings, and renewable energy are just a few of the many ways to make this real for cities to implement smart energy solutions to save money and build a cleaner, safer future.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Thursday, 6 November 2008
My opinion about "An Inconvenient Truth"
As I saw the movie I was in shock about the facts that is shown in the movie, this is one of the reasons that I think this movie is great. This movie is presented by Al Gore who was the vice president of the United States of America and famous politician; he wanted the world to know about the fact that collected over many years for the world to realize what they are facing.
I think in this movie Al Gore took off his presentations of politics, laying out the facts for the audience to think their own conclusions in a charming, funny and style, and by the end has everyone on the edge of their seats, scared by his message. Also, He makes a few jokes to of "An Inconvenient Truth," and some of them are funny in attempts to keep the attention of his captive audience. There is also an artistic way about the movie the data and the computer graphics that he showed were very accurate and very beautiful. That is why this movie has won Academy Awards for Best Documentary Feature and Al Gore who won a Nobel Prize for his work.
In the movie he calls for people and movement to act to save our environment by saying all the facts about the causes of the global warming and solutions of what we can do in many ways to save the earth and seek other options to energy recourses.
Summary about “An Inconvenient truth”
The movie shows Al Gore and his travels in support of his efforts to educate the public about the severity of the climate crisis. Al Gore who was the vice president of the USA and a famous politician is a long time advocate for the environment and he says that he has been trying for years but he failed to deliver the message but this documentary show the opposite.
The movie begins with Al Gore sitting down talking in a calm voice and showing the beautiful scenery. Also, Al Gore’s personal history his sister's death from lung cancer and his young son's near fatal car accident, also, his long time commitment to reversing the effects of global climate change. He presents a wide number of facts and information in a thoughtful and a compelling way from charts and numbers of what had happened, what is happing now and what will happen if we don’t act. An Inconvenient truth is a presentation presented by Al Gore in which he discusses the scientific facts behind global warming like the main point of the film is his and the study by reseachers presenting data examination of the yearly temperature and the CO2 levels of the Antarctic over the years and ice core samples, the retreat of numerous glaciers is shown before and after pictures of them. Temperature record since 1880 showing that the ten hottest years ever measured in this atmospheric record have all occurred in the last 14 years. A survey of 928 peers reviewed scientific on global climate change published between 1993 and 2003.and those surveys were found that every article either supported the causes of global warming consensus or didn’t support it.
He also explains how it has already begun to affect our environment, talks about the disastrous consequences if the world governments and the people do not act, and shares what each individual can do to help protect the earth for this and future generation. Then he says the effects of global warming can be successfully reversed by releasing les CO2 and planting more vegetation to consume existing CO2.