One of the biggest problems that the world faces right now and we can’t escape from is global warming. Global warming and climate change refers to an increase in average in the temperatures in our earth. Natural events and human activities are believed to be part of the causes to the increase in the average in the earth’s temperatures, this is caused primarily by increase in the greenhouse gases such as Carbone Dioxide (CO2). In the essay, I will examine the causes of global warming and my opinion about it.
Many problems could result from global warming. One of the biggest problems is the change in weather patterns from temperatures rising, ice caps melt, frequent tropical hurricanes, storms and floods. Another problem is human activities, which has been going on for a long time now. The burning of coal, oil and natural gas, as well as deforestation and various agricultural and industrial practices are altering the composition of the atmosphere and contribute to climate change.

In my opinion, we should act and contribute to help reduce global warming by doing small things like walking, bicycling and use mass transit instead of using cars. Also, by recycling newspapers, aluminum and other materials will help make earth better.

Last Frame of the Global Warming Map Animation by NASA
link to video:
NASA Climate Change Animation